About ProgAccess
Here are the website's team, history, contacts... (all dates and times are given in Paris timezone, GMT+1 or +2)
The ProgAccess team
Here is the list of the website administration team members:
- Corentin BACQUÉ-CAZENAVE, Développeur, Fondateur, Responsable accessibilité
22 years old, joined on 25/05/2015.Fondateur du site et grand passionné, je sais faire preuve d'une bonne maîtrise des sujets que je traite (ce n'est pas par hasard qu'on se retrouve certifié NVDA Expert 2019 et 2022. Également proche de ma communauté et soucieux d'apporter satisfaction, j'écoute les remarques et les prends toujours en compte dans la mesure du possible.
- Pascal Engélibert, Co-fondateur, Développeur, Responsable graphique
22 years old, joined on 25/05/2015.(Site perso) Développeur Rust, Python, web, PHP. Geek libriste militant. Français, anglais, espagnol, espéranto.
- Patrick ZAJDA, Équipier polyvalent
37 years old, joined on 25/05/2015.Développeur PHP/Python, je m'implique dans des projets open sources tel NVDA ou Speech-Dispatcher ces derniers temps. J'ai effectué ma formation au centre Paul et Liliane Guinot de 2007 à 2010. J'ai également contribué à ajouter des repères d'accessibilité sur le site du projet TAILS. Également administrateur de serveurs sous Debian et fidèle client Hypra que je recommande à toute personne souhaitant changer d'environnement tout en conservant ses repères.
- Jérémy P, Équipier polyvalent
37 years old, joined on 26/04/2020. - Michel SUCH, Aide MAJ
66 years old, joined on 30/07/2020.
- The drawer of our logos: David Engélibert.
- Contact us.
- Discuss on Skype (needs a Skype client to be installed)
- Call us on Skype (needs a Skype client to be installed)
Website's history
This website was born on 2015-05-25 named Accessibilité Programmes
It has been renamed ProgAccess33
on 2016-09-19, and finally, its name has been shortened again to became ProgAccess
with the V15.0 on 2017-09-09.
This website comes from the Corentin's desire (a blind high school student) to share his passion and to gather in one place the softwares accessible by blind people and by everybody.
During summer 2018, many changes came: in August, the source code has been published under GNU AGPL license, so the website is a free (libre) software. Later in the same month, the team start translating the site, beginning with Italian, Esperanto, English and Spanish. Michel Such gave the website NVDA-FR to us, and a dedicated website is created for the AccessiKey.
Follow us
On social networks
Directly on the site
- Subscribe to the newsletter (sent each night bitween 20:12 and 20:21)
- Modifications journal (real-time)
- RSS stream (real-time)
- For developpers: open-data via our API
Help us
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You can donate in libre currency to ProgAccess, with the public key EEGevmgQ. (What is a libre currency?)
Our contributions
The members of ProgAccess contribute to other projects!
Project | Platform | Contributors | Object |
TeamTalk | Windows, Android, IOS, GNU/Linux, Mac | Corentin | French translation, code |
Sullivan+ | Android | Corentin | French translation |
TWBlue | Windows | Corentin | French translation |
NVDA | Windows | Corentin (cotranslator) | French translation |
GParted | GNU/Linux | Pascal | Accessibility |
Website's timetable
Automated tasks
Several tasks are automatically executed on the website:
- 21:23 : refreshing the home page's slides;
- 21:28 : member accounts related tasks;
- 19:50 : sending newsletters.